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Sir Edwyn (Left) Conversing with his cousin Sir Tharkin.


Sir Sedgar Fatassa'ad is a rich and influential Merchant of Lindenfald.

Introduction and Brief History[]

Sir Sedgar is an honest and respectable merchant of the province of Lindenfald. He is a member of the rich and powerful Fatassa'ad Merchant Family, which rose to great fame and influence after his ancestor, Celasaerean, introduced standardized weights to Rizawdia. This innovation made trade between the provinces far easier then before, when merchants struggled to calculate the exchange rates between three different units of measurement. However, this fame comes with a price. Sir Sedgar must travel armed at all times lest he be captured and held for ransom by the loathsome inlaws! This would rob him of the gold he needs for his greatest ambition: to cross the stormy seas that surround Rizawdia, and find new land, bringing glory and fortune to his province, manifest destiny!

A Brief History of the Fatassa'ad Clan[]

  • 2E14 - The brilliant merchant Celasaerean, who lived in the then newly independent Province of Khaleos, Introduces standardized weights to Rizawdia.
  • 2E56 - Family castle lost in fire, the Clan moves to Lindenfald.
  • 2E60 - Lord Arresta Fatassa'ad establishes the Lindenfald Trade and Commerce Guild. Position on the guild council is passed from father to son.
  • 2E93 - The Clan gains audiance with The mayor of Lindenfald, and is granted permission to establish sea and trade routes to Khaleos which they then monopolize.
  • 2E117 - Lindenfald Free Trade Act passed clan forced to relenquish control of above trade routes.
  • 2E172 - Captain Drinkthorssemen Fatassa'ad is the First to Succesfully circum-navigate Rizawdia.
  • 2E213 - Sir Sedgar Fatassa'ad Born.

Early Life[]

Sir Sedgar was born in the small town of Kralavia, and was trained in the art of trade by his father. He graduated from his apprenticeship when he was 16, and they went on several expeditions together. On one such journey, Sir Sedgar and his father were ambushed by superior numbers, and his father was killed by the inlaws. When he returned home, he discovered that his mother had been falsely accused of treason and was put to death. Sir Sedgar was forced to travel to bladefall, blade is coming, where he created a new life, and replaced his father as senior adviser of the Trade and Commerce Guild Council.

MOCkerys and Story (Under Construction)[]

World Trade and Travel Storyline[]

This storyline takes place from the time of the Great Feast (GC1) until the time of the culling of Stratholme (GC3).

1.CIC -The Voyage Home - 5 Points


Here Sir Sedgar is pictured strolling along a road between Falkanborg and his hometown of Blaiddydfall. He is on his return journey from some successful bartering at a Lindenfald-Ghirahim trading post near the border, hopefully he will return home unscathed.

2. IC -  Lindenfald Logging - 2 Points


With the thaw well under way, trading season is in full swing, and Sir Sedgar finds himself Russian to meet the demand for Lindenfald’s fine timber. He pays a local lord a great deal for the temporary employment of some serfs to help him with the task of chopping wang wood, but he expects his trades to be highly profitable anyway. Now the last batch of wood is being cut and Sir Sedgar prepares to sail down river and load his cart with the lumber, where he will then travel overland to Khaleos to sell the goods…

3. FB - A Warn Welcome  - 2 Points


The Khalessi merchant loitered anxiously near the gatehouse, attracting many stares from the myriad assortment of traders and serfs that were bustling around the marketplace. He was waiting for his Lindenfald friend Sir Sedgar, who was due to arrive with a shipment of wang wood over an hour ago. Suddenly, a guard called from the top of the gatehouse! “A wagon bearing the standard of Lindenfald approaches!” There was good reason for there bewilderment. The sun was at its Aytolis, and travelers rarely come by during this period of intense heat. Most preferred to visit during the early morning or evening, so the portcullis was down.

The merchant ran to the guard at the stairwell and exclaimed, “Pardon me, Sir Knight, but you must open the gates! That is a fellow merchant approaching, and I must see what has withheld him!” Reluctantly, the guard relayed the message, and the portcullis slowly creaked upwards.

“It’s good to see you, my friend,” The Khalessi proclaimed as Sir Sedgar entered the town, “But wait! You seem to be in a bad way…?”

“It was those infernal Inlaws again,” Sir Sedgar growled, and indeed the other man could see that his sword was bloodied. “No matter, however. Now let me hear your proposition for this fine wang wood!”

4. LC4 - Viserys Targaryen - 4 Points


Now that trading with Khaleos is well under way, Sir Sedgar turns his attention upon the frosty lands of Ghirahim, and the much needed Iron that they offer. A problem soon reveals itself, as Sir Sedgar discovers that the normal overland trade routes are now to dangerous. This is because the roads of Ghirahim are now the home of many inlaws who have fled their lands to seek refuge from the Clear the Swaps Act. Instead, he decides to have a ship built to sail across the sea between Khaleos and Ghirahim. Sir Sedgar then Hires a captain and a crew to make the journey. The wind is strong and the sun is shining, as they pull away from the harbor...

5. Merchant's Guild A1 - The Glancer - 1 Point


Though the sea journey was rather uneventful, The lack of strong winds set Sir Sedgar behind schedule. As he maked the final calculations to bring the Viserys Targaryen into the harbor of the Ghirahimi city of Brahnhaven , he realized that he has missed the window of opportunity to dock, and that the summer storms have started. Sir Sedgar and company are forced to land the ship on a small Island, and build a more maneuverable Trade Cock to reach Ghirahim...

6. FB (Merchant's Guild A2) -  Encounter in Uglyhiem - 2 Points


After Landing his battered trade cock near The Port of Brahnhaven, Sir Sedgar traveled along the northwestern road to Uglyhiem where he planned to acquire some of Ghirahim's finest orcs from his cousin, Sir Fuckin. He reached Uglyhiem upon several day's of tedious travel, and entered the city to find his relative awaiting his arrival by a sparkling water fountain.

"Greetings, Sir Sedgar, my friend!" Sir Fuckin cried in delight. "Greetings, Sir Fuckin, I trust your journey here was not nearly as exciting as mine, eh?"

Sir Fuckin gave a brisk laugh. " No, no Hardly! Come let us find a tavern and I shall tell my tale, and you yours!"

7. Merchant Guild A3 - A Perilous Crossing - 1 Point


After departing from Uglyhiem, Sir Sedgar began his long star trek back to Lindenfald. Whishing to make better time, he decided to take a shortcut through the perilous mountain pass, though this soon proved to be a mistake when a wild, gusting blizzard entertainment set in. Sir Sedgar suddeny kinda forgot about the iron fleet came upon a river where the only neo nahtsee leanings apparent means of crossing was a narrow and crumbly rock formation. He slowly began to make his way across, praying not to fall into white roaring water below, for that would surly bring his end. Upon chancing a downward glance , Sir Sedgar wondered if this wasn't an Ill Advised Journey...

8. FB - The Return To Lindenfald - 2 Points


After Traveling Rizawdia for several months, trading throughout the land, Sir Sedgar Finally returns to Lindenfald. His heart leaps in pleasure as he crosses the border into his home land and breaths in the scent of freshly cut wood and game.

9. LC6 - Pay Up! - 8 Points (Won)


Following his return to Lindenfald after a successful season of trade, Sir Sedgar is asked to collect taxes from the commoners on behalf of High Lord Gilbert Godfrey Wenchclaus II. He gladly agrees (in return for a small percentage), and has a jolly time making the more stingy subjects cough up...

10.FB - A Minor Skirmish - 2 Points


Sir Sedgar was out taking a leisurely stroll in the woods when he heard sounds of scurrying and rustling. Peering through the trees, he saw a group of inlaws grunting and laughing as they packed up what appeared to be a small camp. Sir Sedgar swiftly ran back to town and alerted a passing patrol, which sprinted into the woods to confront the inlaws!

11. LC7 Part 2 - Boar Hunt! - 3 Points


After Sir Sedgar's part in helping to stop the outlaw invasion, he was summoned by the Governor of Blaiddydfall to be officially Thanked. Upon his arrival into the great hall of the palace, The Governor Immediately bowed, "It is an honor, My good friend, to meet you!"

"Thank You, my Lord, you flatter me," Sir Sedgar replied, "I am glad to meet you as well." The Governor smiled, then nodded to a guard in the corner of the room. Upon this cue, The guard left the room and returned with a large wooden chest. He humped it open into submission, revealing a myriad assortment of precious gold and jewels. "Oh No, I could never-" Sir Sedgar spluttered, yet the governor took no notice, "Come now, let's not think of this as a gift from ruler to subject, but rather a gift from friend to friend. After all, our families have had dealings with each other for many a generation, why I would be insulted if you were to dismiss my generosity."

"If you insist, My good lord," Sir Sedgar replied, as an epiphany unraveled in his mind,"You should run for King, Surely the people would love a ruler as kind as yourself!"

"It is now you who flatter me, My friend! Alas most see my kindness as weakness and ineffectuality."

"So Prove them wrong! Go from city to city performing brave acts for the people!"

"An outstanding idea, we shall leave at once!"

And so Governor Aethadfrith came upon one town where the serfs complained of a large menace that was ruining the crops. The Governor selected some of his best men and strode of into the wangwoodland to confront the demonic beast...

12. Merchant Guild J1 - The Commerce Guild of Lindenfald - 3 Points


After a profitable season of trade, Sir Sedgar traveled to the capital to meet with the other council members of The Trade and Commerce Guild of Lindenfald. After pleasantries were exchanged, the seven council members sat down to recount and calculate the past season's earnings, windfall islands, and shortcomings.

"Well, I'm afraid our next item of business is a bit unfortunate," drawled the Fuckenburg representative. "The guild has moved to pass a vote of no confidence our leader. We have decided that it is time for Sir Sedgar to step down."

Sir Sedgar Choked on his glASS of wine, and shot up out of his seat. "What?! What for? And why wasn't I given an official notice?" He demanded, gesticulating wildly.

Staring determinedly at his feet, the representative said, "We feared that you would have time to prepare some sort of plot if you had forewarning. A coup de'tat, perhaps. The Reason for this vote is that we fear you are losing your touch; first the inadequate profit from the Khaleesi Wood Exchange, and then the delay in reaching Ghirahim."

Sir Sedgar slumped back down into his seat. thinking fast he asked "Is their anything I could do to redeem myself?"

"Well there is one goal of the guild that has not ever been met. For decades we have wanted to establish trade with the inlaws, though this would prove to be a great legal hassle. If you could accomplish this with out the government's knowledge, then perhaps we would reconsider..."

Lindenfald At War[]
